About me….

Jay Chaudhuri


I do Monitoring and Evaluation work for the Humanitarian Aid and International Development sectors. Removing jargon, this means using statistics and quantitative analysis to learn about ‘what is happening’ or analyze ‘what has worked’ in crisis-affected and/or developing countries. Much of my work has centered on urban areas, specifically informal settlements.

My CV [pdf]

I currently work for UNICEF HQ in New York City, living in Brooklyn. From 2012-2015, I lived in Nairobi working for Concern Worldwide. From 2006-2010, I lived in India working for IFMR. East Africa and South Asia are both amazing regions to work and live.

I made the switch to R from STATA about six years ago and never looked back. You will find a lot of #RSTATS material here. I do applied work using inferential statistics, econometrics, survey design, and sampling statistics. The explosion of Data Science tools and R packages is really incredible. In 2019, I can do my entire workflow in R. Six years ago the R parts were limited the statistics sections.

What I’m learning now - incorporating geospatial into my workflow, using SP/SF/Raster packages for high-resolution population maps like WorldPop. I think these maps have great potential in humanitarian protracted crises where data collection is not feasible.

This site: This site uses Hugo with R Markdown. I use Yihui Xie’s excellent Blogdown package. This theme is Yihui Xie’s very minimal Xmin theme. A blogdown tutorial here) is very helpful to get started quickly.

“We can know only that we know nothing. And that is the highest degree of human wisdom.” ― Tolstoy, War and Peace