Links to stuff

Jay Chaufhuri


A running list of resources and content here.
A mix of operational and learning resources.

##1- Collecting data out in the world.
Open Data Kit . Kobo Toolbox For help on ODK forms, Enketo canbe helpful.

Power Calculations
World Bank’s DIME has alot of material to explore.

##2- Using R to analyse data Get familiar with anything tidyverse, the R world definetely going in this direction now. Hadley R for Data Science, the book has an open online version

If you want to learn statistics, this book would look good on your bookshelf. Gelman Hill ‘ARM’. The book’s site and the package which accompanies the book are good places to start.

Relatedly - Impact Evaluation/ Casual Inference stuff:

##3- Tools for running Trainings Enumerator trainings Im also posting some material I have used in the past at Concern Worldwide.

Real world data collection - ODK, KOBO resources

##4- Where to find data: HDX for data on humanitarian/emergency areas. Worldpop is a great place to get started on using raster images for geopsatial analysis. Ive increasingly used this over the past year. A few good blog posts to familiar yourself can be found here:

5- R Packages -

survey (Thomas Lunley’s survey package. helpful if you work with DHS/MICS types) CRAN IPUMIS vignette Country Code (link, github) Remove Duplicates() If importing a STATA or SPSS file: Haven CRAN , [vignette]

##6 - GeoSpatial Raster SF / SP Open Street Map If you want to dowload Raster files: OpenStreetMap CRAN To query the unlderlygin vector data: osmdata CRAN OSM vignette

##7 - ETC, cool interesting things you may find useful IHSN -here